Who we are ...

The IBLA Grand Prize International Jury
will award the following special prizes:

IBLA - Carnegie Hall Award
winners will be presented at
Carnegie Weill Recital Hall

IBLA - Arkansas Award
winners will be presented in
Little Rock - Jacksonville -
Star City -
Lake Village - Harrison - Cabot

IBLA - Radford University Award
winners will be presented at

Radford University, Virginia

IBLA - Lady Dewi Sukarno Award
winners will be presented at
KIOI Hall, Tokyo

IBLA - Modica
William Modica
Concetta Giordanella Modica
Memorial Award

sponsored by
Frank Modica

IBLA - Susino
Grace M. Susino Memorial Award

sponsored by
Frank V. Susino

IBLA GRAND PRIZE Rotary Ragusa Award
sponsored by
Rotary Ragusa